4.3 Aviation Security

    After the destructive use of aircrafts on 9/11, TSA security has jumped to an all-time high. There are several emerging threats today and there will always be a threat due to the improvements to technology. On the other side there will always be mitigation strategies to these threats due to technological improvements that we see every day. The threat that I will be discussing within this blog is an internal threat known as aviation cybersecurity.


    Aviation cybersecurity is one of the most important types of security in the aviation industry. The reason for this is due to the information that it holds and what information can be pulled. Today, in the aviation industry cyber enabled technology is used to increase the safety of air transportation (ICAO, 2021). However, with all these systems and information being connected created the premises for new risks to emerge.  Some of these systems include departure and passport control systems, airport ground systems, flight information systems, security screening, on-board aircraft control and communication systems, and many other systems that are used on a daily basis are all key elements that are vulnerable to attacks (Aviation Cybersecurity, 2021). 

    The TSA has several layers within to help maximize and protect us from threats regarding air transport (TSA, 2017). According to the TSA they will "develop and maintain a leadership role, collaborating with other federal departments and agencies, the private sector, and other stakeholders, to ensure that cybersecurity risks are managed" (TSA, 2017). Preventing cybersecurity threats can be identified as a five-part process. The first way is to visualize the network traffic. If the airport security can visualize in-depth the network traffic across the airport's users, they can identify certain threats that may occur. Another way is to remove outdated applications and software. By doing this you prevent breaches to occur due to new and updated security patches.   


Civil Aviation Cybersecurity (2021). Civil Aviation Cybersecurity. Retrieved from CIVIL AVIATION        CYBERSECURITY (icao.int)

The First Global Cyber Security Observatory (20, January 2021). Aviation Cybersecurity-Major                  Challenges. Retrieved from Aviation Cybersecurity - Major Challenges - The First Global Cyber           Security Observatory (cyberstartupobservatory.com)

Transportaion Security Administration (TSA). (2017, August 1). Inside Look: TSA Layers of Security        Retrieved from Inside Look: TSA Layers of Security | Transportation Security Administration


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